
Magtagalog ka na!

WHOA. First off, this new blogspot layout is throwing me off. Seeing my dashboard was weird enough but I didn't know they changed the "new post" page as well! But what else is new, you know? Facebook has a timeline and youtube and twitter changed a bit too.

Speaking of change,
I know I've said this once or twice on previous posts but my life is changing! Why? Because I'm in this whole other country over 7,000 miles from Southern California. Learning about my culture, independence, and responsibility. It's crazy! It's not easy as life never really is but by the grace of God, I've succeeded in areas of my life that I thought would be so challenging. You see, I like to let fear take over and just hide in a shell. I am just the shy type. I get embarrassed when I try to speak the language of my background.

Which brings me to why I have the title of my post in Tagalog.
The other day I started to doubt myself (and even doubting God for a moment) in learning Tagalog. It just brought me to the point where I was in tears and I was just feeling frustrated. I just knew I had to talk to my mom. And, man, do I love my mom! I just had to let everything out and be honest with not only to her but to myself. I've been being stubborn thinking that I can just get away with speaking English and maybe, maybe not learn Tagalog. I didn't want to worry about it.

Now, I see there is a need but it made me worry so much that I started losing hope. But God did something amazing and it's something I can't explain... He just set something in my heart that just motivated me to keep going and to not stop. He most certainly started something in me and He has promised me that He will set it to completion. He didn't promise that it would be easy... He promised that it will be worth it. There is a purpose to everything whether it may be hardship or something that might confuse you or may seem unclear at the moment. And the best part is He is right there with us to help us through. We don't go through these things alone! The key is faith and trust. (sorry, no pixie dust:)

There are times I find myself giving up whenever I fail. But God gives me the strength to get right back up. And that's what He did for me earlier this week. All glory, praise, and thanks to GOD!

I was reminded to find fun in the littlest things. And you know what? that's what being a kid is all about!
blowing bubbles at High Street!

Can't wait to share more photos about this one!
Can not wait until the weekend hits!
Because that's when I can write up another post.


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