
having dinner after first day of summer classes

A McChicken Sandwich with a side of fries

Rachel is eating McDonald's!? What has become of me. 
After watching this documentary about McDonald's, I vowed to never eat their food ever again. And then I realized that was too extreme so I just said I wouldn't eat their fries. Back home in the states, I was doing pretty good because my family doesn't really eat at McDonald's and there are just so many good places to eat at! I would choose In-n-Out over McDonald's any day. 

But being on a budget has left me no choice but to go with McDo (pronounced Mack-doh in a Filipino accent). So, yes, I have broken my streak of not eating their fries long ago and it's because I'm surrounded by people who love eating there!

Yesterday was my first day back in school for summer classes as you can see my uniform. And let me tell ya, the day was such a drag because it seemed like the day was not going to end! My classes go from 8am to 6pm. 3 classes. Each 3 hours long. 30 minute break in between. I was pumped and ready to take on work but it was just the first day so not much was done and there really wasn't any homework assigned. And on the night before, I didn't sleep well that much because... well, I was excited. haha my lack of sleep resulted to me being tired and bored in class. 

And as soon as I got home, something came over me.
I wanted to clean my condo! I guess my energy to do school work transferred to cleaning my place a bit. Finished my laundry, vacuumed the place, clean my bathroom, did some decluttering, and threw out the trash. I gotta say, it was therapy and I felt pretty good! It was just one of those days where I find myself motivated to clean. I wish it was like that all the time. 

Being back at school means lack of posts! I notice I've been posting a lot about food. Yet, people are telling me I'm getting skinny or I've lost a lot of weight. What!? And now I'm eating McDo? What is this madness. Anyways, my money will be going towards grocery now that school is in session. And in order to spend less time uploading photos and such, I gotta stop eating out because that's when I take pictures of food. By doing so, I'll be saving money! hopefully. Thankfully, I still have my weekends.


I tried Chapchae from Bon Chon for lunch
and it was bomb:)
I thought I had to eat it with rice
but it was like pancit!

Serenitea just wasn't the same
once you have Chatime and Happy Lemon
I am no longer accustomed to the milk tea taste
So, Serenitea, for now...
We're gonna go on a break
I'm not breaking up with you,
it's just that I need to see other tea places for now.

Goodbye 3 week of summer,
Hello, school.

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