
It's been awhile since...

Audrey is pumped! Photo taken before we started our workout.

...I had a decent work out at the gym.
My friend and I love zumba
we finally had the chance to attend a class
and boy, were we very much out of shape!
But we most definitely love the mini-movie theater and the locker room:)

doing some poolside reading:)

...I've read Sophie Kinsella's latest Shopaholic book!
This has been in the bookstores for quite some time
and when I finally picked it up and checked the price,
HOLY MOLY, it was marked down to P99
it went from P299 to P99.
That's practically a little over $2!!
I couldn't turn down this super discount
especially when I've read all the Shopaholic books
all except the most recent one.
Now, the goal is to finish this before I get busy with summer school stuff.

I've also started reading this book.
and I really really wanna finish Mockingjay.

I can not believe my three weeks of freedom is almost up.
Where has the time gone?

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