
Flowers appear on the earth
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.

When I think that if I'm doing enough for God or if I'm spending enough time with Him, I know I haven't been doing so recently. Maybe it's because of summer vacation... and I notice that I would be reading my bible and pray and talk to God when I'm stressing over how much studying has to be done or how much homework needs to be finished. And now that I don't have schoolwork to think about (oh, how that will all end soon), I don't have my morning or evening devotions. Well, it isn't consistent as it was when I was in school. I've entered a season where I just become even more lazy that I don't even feel like picking up my Daily Bread book and read the bible. 

Yesterday, I was reminded that it's all about Him. it's not about if I go to church or not, it's not about how much I do that makes me "more Christian". The question would be: is God glorified? Do others see me to be Christ-like? The main point is I would like my life to lead others to Christ. We are not to show others up and compare ourselves. So many times without even knowing it, I do that. I notice that I don't devote time as much as others do. They are more dedicated and have a greater heart than I do. I am reminded and humbled that it's not the case. My walk with God will not match up with anyone else's. He has this plan for me and I do my best to understand that I'm on a different path. It is whatever He wills me to do even if it means not following a crowd. I don't have to do certain things just because everyone is... I have to be sure my heart is in it as well. Most importantly, I would have to pray about it. 

Lord, I get distracted and forget that I'm doing these things for Your glory. You're molding me into Your likeness so why would I have to look to others for comparison? I pray that You give me understanding and patience towards others as it is easy for me to judge others. Most of all Lord, help me to devote time for You every day. You are my life which means time with You every single day and not just on Sundays. Or not just when I have problems for You to fix or handle. 

and Lord, thank You for taking me as I am. You know my heart, my thoughts, my wrongdoings... yet You still love me? It's such a wonderful thing. 

Praise the LORD.

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