

Lord, thank you for life and most importantly for saving me. I've been through trials that has tested my patience and of course, that has tested my faith. Your love never fails and Your strength always pulls through. But how easy it is to stray away when good things happen that I forget to look to You! 

I praise You in everything and in any season of my life, I worship You. Lord, I ask that You may use my life for Your glory and I pray that what I do may not be in vain. One of my greatest desires is to lead others to You... and I don't want it to end there. I wish to disciple others and to share what You have done that has led me to being here. 

This week is Holy Week and I've learned that it's such a big holiday here. We celebrate Christ's death and resurrection; and we are reminded of His great love for us. Just recently, my friend and I went through the Stations of the Cross. Before walking through each station, I didn't expect much. In fact, before they even set it up, I was thinking it was something for the Catholics knowing that the last time I experienced it was when I was in elementary school. I had such a great time. Each station not only explained what happened but people were to take part of it too! There was an activity in each station and a time to reflect and pray. 

There's no need for us to perform or put up a front to approach the Father. We fail to realize this sometimes. We don't have to make up for the sins we committed when it has already been done for us when Jesus died on the cross. God knows our hearts and He sees all. There's no need to hide or cover up anything. Isn't that amazing? We can humbly approach our Father and not have to worry about ourselves because really, it's all about Him, right? 

No facade. No pretense. I think it's reassuring to know that our God has already done what we no longer need to strive for. He loves us that much. 

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