
I just can't seem to get enough of


...Hobbes and Landes!

and their LEGOS!


 Bird's eye view of my multicolored pyramid

This place is our hang out spot for me and my friend, Audrey. And aren't we the coolest kids or what! Aside from eating and drinking teas, we build lego towers and houses:) 

I was really really happy Fully Booked restocked the Catching Fire and Mockingjay books. The other day, they were all sold out! After visiting Toys 'R Us, I wanted to see if Catching Fire was on the table so I could read and there it was! I did some reading while Audrey took a short nap. I'm still waiting for the paperback version of this book to be in store already so I can purchase my own copy and not keep going to Fully Booked to just read. I even reserved Mockingjay so I won't have to wait to read as soon as I finish this one.. Ah, the joy of being able to read books for fun! Yay, for summer reading!

Another new found love next to legos and reading The Hunger Games is jigsaw puzzles! And I couldn't resist getting myself a box (it was 50% off! can't say no to a sale!). 

I wanted the Disney themed puzzles but I decided to go for High School Musical:) I wanted to make it more interesting for me by getting the box with a thousand pieces. 1000, yes, because I was thinking 100 or 500 would be too easy. But when I got started last night... oh boy. it was a lot
got started while watching a rerun of American Idol #TEAMJESSICASANCHEZ !

In my mind, I was a little overwhelmed with how many pieces I was looking at. However, I was determined to complete it! You wouldn't believe it but I didn't sleep until 6am and by then, I wasn't finished! I woke up around lunch time to eat and then I continued the challenge. 

and just a few hours ago before I started this blog post...
I finished:)
it was such a challenge
I kid you not, it's not easy.

 Doing a puzzle is a bit like doing yoga exercises... a very welcome relaxation from your daily routine. It is a labour of love, challenge and light relief all in one. Doing puzzles is exciting, with invigorating emotional ups and downs. Piece for piece, as you search, find and search again, your feeling of achievement grows. --Ravensburger Puzzle quote on the box

It really was a great feeling of accomplishment when you start piecing things together. And now... I don't even want to mess it up or put it away. It's just too good, too beautiful to be put back in the box. I shall look for a frame!

and get some more reading done before this summer ends and summer classes begin!!


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