
St. Luke's Medical Center, Global City

So every time I walk to Mercury Drug, S&R, or McDonald's, this is what I always see. And I hear just wonderful things about this hospital but it's one of those things where you just have to be there in order to experience the grandness and how it does not look anything like a hospital at all.

Friday morning, I woke up early (I practically wake up early every day now but can still manage to fit in 6 hours of sleep. win.) got ready, went to the bank, met up with a friend who was to come with me to get checked up. I wanted to see the doctor because I've had this persistent cough for what seems like forever! (3 months) my theory is this country's polluted air that's getting to my lungs.

My friend, Audrey, and I walked up the steps not knowing what to expect... I was told this place was more like a hotel than a medical center and BOY, THEY WERE NOT KIDDING.

and I regret so much that I didn't have my camera.

There was a check-in desk and and huuuuugge waiting area with tables and cafe near the entrance. And once I was scheduled in to see a doctor, I was told to go to another building which was the Medical Arts building (what is this, Las Vegas!? where I would have to go to another tower for the hotel room!?) what came to mind was "I hope I won't get lost." when we reached the other building, we had to take the elevators to the 6th floor but on the way to there, oh. my. goodness gracious. my friend and I were in a mall. We saw Mary Grace, Starbucks, Bizu, another eating place (feeling another food adventure coming on.) We were such tourists, I could not contain my excitement at all. If it was just me that went to the doctor's I probably would have expressed quiet excitement haha

Anyways, I will continue this on another post with pictures next time. And yes, I'm going to go there again:)

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