
Very Important.

It is very important to appreciate beautiful things like this.
I have this habit of taking a double or triple take of the view outside my window
A very good friend of mine loves it too and even made a song about it!
It's things like this that gives me a thankful heart
It reminds me how beautiful and creative God is.
He's really an artist, don't you think?
Living in this city gives me the opportunity to explore
that's why I like walking around so much:)
it's not only a great exercise, but it's good for the soul
taking a walk clears the mind and gives time to think about things

I'm human.
I'm lazy
I'm disorganized.
I'm messy
I'm careless
I'm so much more
and yet I have a Father
who blesses me
and loves me unconditionally
I don't deserve any of it.
He offers us a free gift
and that's the gift of salvation
All we have to do is accept it
no strings attached.
there's no catch.
And when your heart realizes this great Love,
you have no desire for anything else
that is so pointless in this world.
worldly things have no room in your heart.
you begin to surrender yourself to Christ
who died for you when it should have been us.

It is very important to be reminded of this.
It is so important to let your life reflect this.
Don't keep God only on Sundays.
When you're in a relationship, it's all day
every day.
it's not sometimes,
it's not occasionally,
it's not once a week,
it's every moment, every day

it's a challenge for me because I can get so distracted
by the flesh among other things.
I give in to human desires
I give in to laziness and complaining.
at the end of the day...
it's all about Him
and I am reminded why I am here.
What brought me here
I was talking to a new friend about my decision to study here.
I have been slacking off recently
and I'm definitely not happy about it.

so with that being said,
I shall sign off!
tomorrow is Monday, another school day
after a whole week of no classes,
it sure has thrown me off.
time to get back on track!


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