
Incoherent Babbling

I get all giddy when I see the cutest couples... when I'm out and about or just on Facebook. Well, that's my initial reaction. And then I think about my own experience with love and I run through the memories that I will cherish for a long time. Don't get me wrong, there are moments where I find myself sad and nostalgic. I get angry and start feeling regretful. You start missing that special someone.

Love can make you do crazy, unexpected things. On Facebook, my friend who is like a brother to me made a video for his girlfriend and it was a lovely cover. and I completely freaked out. I went through my initial reaction and then I started thinking. and here's what I would say to him:

(it's gonna get a little personal)
She's your first love. First girlfriend. and I never thought you would have to experience that so soon... especially when it's long distance. I would have hoped it wouldn't be long distance. I wouldn't want that for you. And, again, it's just so soon! you're only 17. And being a teenager, you go through so many different emotions with different circumstances and therefore, we change a lot. If you think puberty is a different story, I believe it also applies here. You're going to grow up some more... emotionally and intellectually. There's just so much more to figure out about yourself. I wouldn't want to offer myself to someone when I'm not even sure  about my own self. And this message would probably be for me too. My heart is still in that transition stage. I'm ready to move on and live my own life but I haven't quite let go yet. I continually pray to God about this and His answer to me is to not worry. But I have yet to hear from Him what I should do with this person. I guess the answer is obvious but it's easier said than done.

Anyway, another point I would like to raise is this: two people must be of the same faith... equally yoked. That is very important among other things. You may not be your brother who has led his girlfriend to Christ but everyone is different. I pray that somehow you have thought about the future... can she potentially be your wife? and I'm just scared because I know you're not mature in your faith yet! I'm probably underestimating you... maybe you have talked about Jesus to her. I don't know. I could be wrong.

I wish I could tell you these things but you probably won't listen. Maybe someone else will.
and here are some things I would like to say to your sister:
You are beautiful and you do not need make up to tell everyone that you are. I'm an advocate of natural beauty. This beauty is something that everyone possesses and the more someone cakes themselves with make up, the harder it is for someone to see that. A girl can lose her true face. It's as if you're hiding something from someone and it's being dishonest. Make up is good on special occasions but for me, I don't like wearing that much make up or none at all every day. It's tiring and at times, I don't have time for it. I get lazy. I always say to myself: this is my face... take it or leave it. You don't like how I really look, you don't deserve me at my best.

Girl, you're not even 15 yet and it seems to me that you're trying to grow up too fast. I love you and you are beautiful. You are pretty. You are gorgeous... but let that come with maturity. Don't let a guy accept you because of your appearance. He needs to know you from the inside out. Otherwise, he'll only know how pretty you are and won't even make the effort to get to know you and everything about you. Again, you are way too young and I don't know what's going on with your relationship with him but I hope you took to heart what I said. Let's see what time will do. Being a freshman in high school will change drastically once you become a junior or senior in high school. You are such a sweet girl but I pray that you discover more about yourself. Let there be answers to your unanswered questions. May you grow more in knowledge and in wisdom. Learn from your mistakes and be bold. It's okay to be different sometimes... being yourself is the most original you can be.

And to the other sister:
I know how you are and I'll do my very best to choose my words wisely. Do not let others accept you for your outward appearance as I have told your sister. I know you want others to notice you. I want to hear how beautiful and gorgeous you are from others that you just want to show it all for the world to see. It's good that you love yourself for how you look but don't let it end there. You also need to discover yourself and that will take some years... you're only a freshman! There are people or/and will be people who will say very mean things about you because they think they see who you really are. Of course, they might be jealous and at the same time, they might be right. I don't want you and your sister to grow up shallow and superficial. That may be because you are young and do not know much about the world around you or care to put yourselves in that person's shoes... but seek God first. That might mean getting out of your comfort zone and getting involved in awkward situations but that's all part of the growing process.

I care about you guys a whole lot. and I miss you too. And I really wish I had more time spent with you guys to talk about this. Maybe when I see you guys and when you're a bit older. Your big brother will probably do that but I want to share this with you guys too. I know this is something you need to hear. it may not be now but maybe in the future when you guys will listen to me. haha

God willing, I see you guys some day! I know you guys are where you are for a reason, a special purpose. So make the most out of it and continue to give thanks to God in every circumstance!

You are loved.
Always remember that.

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