
Some more of my favorite things

But you wanna know what else I love?
Take a guess:)

Aren't they cute?
They were actually a birthday gift to me
and I just fell in love with them.

 My favorite one would have to be the floral printed tape
I was able to use all of them for a very special project in my Life class.
We have to make a scrapbook and we're creating an exhibit to showcase them!
I was watching American Idol and I finally found great use for the tapes:)

Scrapbooking is fun, I tell ya.
It's really good to document and record special moments in your life.
Even the the moments you think that are not so significant!
Doing something creative is one of the things that makes me happy
And my scrapbook is not done yet!
Still have to add some more pictures and put some captions...

I shall continue this on another post!:)

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