
Material Things

We can be driven by material things to the point where we're always wanting. But, look what happens. We are never truly satisfied. We're left always wanting more.

I'm feeling a little emotional for something so silly and not really worth it.
It's the fact that I, Rachel Jean Banez, do not own an iPhone. And I feel so behind and just less fortunate. I hear my classmates talk about it almost all the time... talking about the latest app or games they downloaded. or even how long they've been without it. uh, hello, I don't have one! I never really let it bother me before, why does it have to phase me now? I'm happy with what I have...

Why is it that I'm crying over spilled milk? I could easily say it's because that time of the month is coming (and yes, it is haha) but...

my life here is temporary.
these materialistic things will not complete me. what is it worth without God? I admire those who freely give away the things they no longer find value in... and they know that it's the best gift they can ever receive: the gift of giving. and Lord, I offer myself up to You. Thank You for accepting me as I am. My heart is not clean as I am desiring things that is taking Your place. When it is You who is eternal and only You can make this heart whole. Help me look to You and not to anyone or to any other thing in this world as they fade away.

I look to You.
And I thank You for what You've done for me when it should have been me.
Help me to want more of You.
Because when there is more of You
there is less of me.

Equip me as I will be leading worship today.
Release any hindrances that may keep me from worshiping you freely.
I lift this day up to you, God.

Currently listening to:
A Beautiful Exchange - Hillsong United
How He Loves - John Mark McMillan

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