
The Hunger Games SPOILER ALERT

I'm so glad it's summer. Wanna know why? I get to do some reading and not think about school for awhile! And it's been a really long time since I've read a good book. I think the last book I read was Breaking Dawn of the Twilight Saga. So, for P499, I purchased myself a copy of The Hunger Games and I just finished it this afternoon before meeting up with a couple of friends from church for Happy Lemon. I'm a little late in reading it because the movie came out the weekend I was finally on summer break. During school, aside from the bible, I absolutely can not read and enjoy a good book. I like reading without having any agenda or homework that needs to be done.
I watched the movie with three other FilAms right when I was officially done with the school year. And after watching it, I was convinced (actually before the movie even ended!) that I was going to read the books. I'm hooked! And what better time to start reading the books? it's my summer break and although it's short, I'll get as much reading as I can done before I get back on that study grind!

Well, I didn't know what to expect having not read the books so it was all a surprise for me. which made the movie even more amazing and just full of suspense. I was practically at the edge of my seat! There were even a few scary moments here and there but watching the whole thing made it seem like I was part of an adventure. It was everything... from romance to innocence to action to adventure. there were so many elements in one film! There was a lot of killing and blood but at the same time it's still appropriate for a young audience. There wasn't even so much profanity! None that I could remember, anyway.

Another point I would like to bring up was the author's imagination. Now, it's not as good as Hayao Miyazaki's imagination but the story was still brilliant to me. A particular part of the movie that I noticed was the era. I was wondering if it was futuristic or in the past. And as the movie progressed, it was both! You were either from the districts where there is a scarcity of food and other resources or from the wealthy Capitol. It was a huge difference going from District 12 to where they were preparing for the hunger games.

As for the actors and actresses!
I had no idea Liam Hemsworth was in the movie! and I barely recognized Josh Hutcherson. He is so grown up and he's a cutie, might I add. And then for the girl who played Katniss, I didn't know she was from X-Men : First Class! I got that piece of info from a tweet and then I had to IMDB to see for myself. I was pretty happy with the casting.

Okay, back to when I finished reading The Hunger Games. The next installment is Catching Fire and Fully Booked ran out of the paperbacks!! I didn't want the hard covered ones because it's more expensive. It's P300 more! But I started reading it as I was waiting for my friends to meet with me.

gotta get a hold of Catching Fire.
because before I know it, my summer is over!

aww, I miss blogging like this:)
Readers, do you even bother reading the whole thing?
yeah, I thought so.

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