
25 Days of Gratitude

Ate Pia! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Everything that I have said to your mom goes to you as well. You are one of the funniest, beautiful little lady I have ever met. That is such a great combination don't you think? You are independent and really know how to take charge. Not only are you funny, but you are most definitely really fun to be around! I thank God for placing someone like you in my life. You never ever fail to make me laugh.

Thank you for taking the time every other week to come visit me in my condo for fellowship. Thank you for treating me out and I truly appreciate the time I spend with you.

Thank you for your boldness in sharing your testimony. That probably wasn't easy but it's a story worth sharing and it was from the heart. I would not have the guts to tell the darkest moment of my life because for one, I'm starting to forget it all and I don't have much of the details now. The past is past. Praise God for your life... His faithfulness and grace came through for you! To God be the glory! There is a purpose for everything and if you did not go through what you went through... maybe you wouldn't be where you are today! I know I would not be who I am if I didn't go through that storm in my life. God is good.

Continue to grow more in love with God, Ate! He has blessed you with so much and with that great heart of yours, you keep giving. I am so grateful for all that you have done for me... how can I ever repay you!?

I love you, sis! Looking forward to spending a whole new year with you, tita, trish, pam, and Ate Aiza!
Merry Merry Christmas!

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