
25 Days of Gratitude

Thank you so so much for being my second mama! I don't think I can thank you enough for all the food that you brought for me. Thank you for the fish balls and dinuguan that you brought for me every other Friday. Tita, you make me laugh for days! You are just so much fun to be with and thank you, thank you for bearing my English!

I am forever grateful for having you alter my skirt uniforms! I hope I don't bug you too much with my needs and wants.

You are a great blessing from the Lord. The things you do for me, for my mom, for the church... is more than enough. Your heart overflows with love of that of a mother... and that's because you are a mother! Again, I am so thankful for having you as my second mom.

God is so good isn't He? I know He is with you and your family because I see this joy that just shines on your face. It's that joy from the Lord because it never goes away. After the sadness, the joy of the Lord still remains. Thank you for sharing that joy with not only your family but to others that you meet.

May He continue to bless you! I am looking forward to the many adventures and outings we will have in the future. I shall see you next fellowship in the new year, 2012! Let's make more memories!

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