
25 Days of Gratitude

BANANANA! from Spanish Class to our dear friend's debut and everything else in between. I want to say here how thankful I am to call you my friend. I see that you have a heart for God and that heart of yours has this willingness to serve. We have some things in common... You serve through the music ministry and it ain't easy. You and I both know that. It takes commitment and dedication... it takes heart. I know for sure that no matter where you are, whatever you do... at the end of the day it all comes back to God. We're not perfect and we are completely so undeserving of God's grace, but what really matters is how much He loves us right? Never give up on God... continue to serve Him, and most importantly, LOVE Him. Never ever lose sight of that. With Christmas coming around the corner, I'm sure this whole season has reminded you of that. 

Thank you for helping me with school stuff. Thank you for singing with me in choir even when it has only been one year. it was better than nothing. Thank you for coming to Monday Bible Studies (remember those!?) in high school even when it was only a few times. That mattered that you had the willingness to come even if it meant not being with your friends during lunch. Those things told me that your faith and your love for God was genuine, it was true. You were one of my friends who have in some way, encouraged me in my walk with Christ. I'm proud to say that!

Thank you for all those times that you have given me rides (and they were countless times!) and our Aloha BBQ dates. I appreciated those moments with you.

I hope all is well with you! I miss you so much and I wish to see you during Christmas break yes? Love you, girl! And God bless!

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