
25 Days of Gratitude

you are one of my many friends who have the biggest heart for God. I love our God talks and thank you for sharing your stories. I know you don't tell a lot of your friends these things especially if they are not in the faith. Thank you for just being yourself. You are always the one to make people laugh and you never fail me. You get along with almost anyone you meet. It proves that you are truly a light for Jesus and I know people can see that. 

Thank you for the laughs and our Chikfila date! We must have another one soon! Well, whenever I see you, that is. Not only do you have a passion for God, for dance, but you can sure take photos! Continue to pursue your dreams and never give up. No matter what road or path you choose to follow, there will always be obstacles along the way. Things may be unclear for the time being, but God sees the whole picture. He knows the plans that He has for you! I'm sure you know this already and you are confident in what God has in store for you even though you don't see it. But you have this faith and you put your trust in the Great Author.

Thank you for being there for me and for simply being a friend who just listens. Thank you for all the prayers... I will continue to pray for you and your family! 

Hope San Fran isn't too cold over there! I miss you mucho!

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