
25 Days of Gratitude

I thank you for being yourself and not caring what anyone else thinks--well, what I think. You knew I wouldn't care because you know it would make me laugh. And you, sir, say the darnest things. I miss nagging you to play the bass and come to practice on fridays or saturdays. I miss having you around all the time. I thank you for your heart for Jesus. Thank you for listening and giving some great advice. You may be younger than I am but you most certainly know a lot more than I do. I appreciate the things you do that glorifies God and I pray that you continue to do just that. Keep telling others about how wonderful He is. Let your life be a testimony to others and make them wonder why you're so different from the rest. And never be afraid... be bold and remember that it's for GOD. 

I am sad that I won't be seeing you for Christmas but I know we'll see each other sometime in the future. May God continue to bless you wherever you decide to go when you leave Walnut. Remain in Him and He will remain in you! please keep yourself plugged in a church when you will no longer attend CFTN. 

My dear friend, I miss you terribly! Again, thank you for being one of the people in my life who I can freely talk about God to. You have been a blessing in my life and I hope there are others who feel the same way too.

Have a great visit in Oregon!

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