
25 Days of Gratitude

Thank you so much for paving the way for the worship band in our church. You sacrificed your free time to drive from work all the way to our little church... I know I took that for granted. And you never gave up on us. And, really, thank you for the hours that you put in to make it all work. 

Thank you for being a friend during one of my toughest times. Homecoming dance during my senior year was definitely weird for me. 

You are truly a gifted musician and I hope some of that rubbed off on me. I believe there was a reason God had placed you to direct us. It was definitely not an accident or coincidence. Thank you for guiding us and being there for a fellow church member and looking out for him. If it wasn't for you, I would not have known anything and would not have been able to help. Looking back... wow, a lot has happened in a short period of time. I say short because I look at where I am now and I came a long way. And being here in the Philippines has taught me a number of things and it's still a process for me. 

Without you, I don't think there would have been a worship band. it would have been just me and my keyboard and no sound system. and probably someone on the guitar. Jhustin would not have been on the drums or in drum line in high school. It's kind of crazy to think about. 

Again, thank the LORD for you! May He bless you in all the areas in your life and may your love for God continue to grow. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, bro! I hope to see you very soon.

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