
25 Days of Gratitude

Katrina Ellaine Briones, remember the very first day I met you? yeah, I will never ever forget. I miss choir and most of all, I miss singing with you in show choir. Of course, let's not forget Mustang Singers. 

Thank you so much for enriching my life with the songs you sing. You brought joy and laughter as well. This might sound like a yearbook entry but allow me to say thank you during this wonderful season of our Savior's birth. It is a great privilege to be your friend and one that I can relate to musically. You were placed in my life for a special purpose and I thank the Lord for putting us in Mustang Singers. What would have happened if we never met? Things would be so different... There would have been no "My Romance"! 

Thank you for allowing me to sing with you and record videos together. I hope we can cover a Christmas song sometime soon? 

And of course, last but not the least, thank you for sharing your gift of singing to my church. Even you just being there is enough for me! Continue to use that wonderful voice for the Lord; continue to offer Him that gift of song. Never stop singing and take care of your voice! I miss hearing it in person so much and I can not wait to see you. and do NOT cry. haha

I love you and so does Jesus!

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