
25 Days of Gratitude

Miss Brenda Schoby, do you still teach the 8th grade at Southlands?! 
Thank you so much for making my last year of junior high memorable. You made me laugh so much and your personality is wow! I will never forget that one time you threw your shoe at "Z-man" and those times I would do ministry hours by cleaning/decluttering your desk and grading papers. 

You were one of many teachers at SCS who have molded me into the person I am today. That year, was when I officially accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior and invited Him into my heart. And it took place right in that classroom of J-building. Since then, I did some growing up and my heart changed. I have you to thank because without you, I don't know where I would have been at that time. If I never went to a Christian school, I don't think this post would exist! 

This blog would not have existed. A big thank you for having the class keep a journal to write our devotions. Up until this day, I still have that same journal kept away with my yearbooks. From time to time, I would read over it. It reminds me how far I came, and how much has changed... how much my writing has changed! I actually have a blank notebook-type journal that has verses written out, notes from church, sometimes entries of my thoughts about God and prayers. 

I thank God for you, Ms. Schoby! And I pray all is well wherever you may be.
Have a very Merry Christmas!

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