
New Year starting on a Sunday

2011 was the year where God really took me from here
to a place where I would never find myself in
The mother land
My roots
The place my parents call home

And during my stay, I call it my home
It might sound crazy...
My home is still that photo
That street that I knew like the back of my hand
My place of comfort
One that I was proud to live in
I did miss it.
I miss being home
I'm happy that I can sleep on my own bed
I even couldn't help but take a good look at my room
before I even set foot in it.
It felt great to be home.

One thing God has placed in my heart is...
that His heart will always be my home.
That means I can be anywhere in the world
and still make myself feel at home.
It won't be just one place.
It's strange to think that, I know.
I will still feel out of place at times
I will still feel uncomfortable
But God doesn't want me to get too comfortable
that I become stagnant and mediocre.

And this coming New Year
I'm very much looking forward to what God has for me
I'm excited to go back and accomplish my goals
I'm ready to take on school
This is really only the beginning
and I intend to do my best for the One who gave it all for me
for me.

may this year bring you more than happiness,
joy and peace,
forgiveness and reconciliation with others,
strength and perseverance,
hope and love.
We will go through seasons that bring change
And thank GOD for His unchanging Word
He will never change.

God is so good.

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