

My first ever blog post of the year!

My Christmas vacation in California is drawing to a close as it is now the first day of the year 2013! woot woot! Which means my flight back to the Philippines is tomorrow and today is my last full day in the United States. And what a wonderful break it has been. I saw most of the people I wanted to see and I've gone to places that I never thought I would go during such a short period of time. Top 2: Portland, Oregon & Disneyland! Thank You Lord! It was truly a blessing to be at both those places because it almost didn't happen! But most definitely God made a way.

Another memorable moment to record on here? All the shopping I've been doing while I was here! I can not even remember my last shopping spree... because when I buy things, they're never in bulks; it's usually 2 or 3 items at a time. But not this time!:) I went all out this Christmas!

And with all the things that I've bought, I know I'm a step closer to accomplishing my New Years resolution. So what might that be, you ask? I am now 21 going on 22 and when people look at me, I barely look 20! Therefore, I need to change that and look/dress my age. I desire to be the woman God has raised me to be... by taking better care of myself and maybe applying make up once in awhile. Okay, I know, I know I have said natural beauty is the way to go and I still stand by that. Natural looking make up every day is doable... eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss! That's all you need! My momma added that a clean face is definitely needed-- as in no pimples or blemishes (that's where taking care of my face comes in) so I gotta break in some good habits and throw out the bad ones.... like not washing my face before I go to bed (really bad, I know).

Alrighty! time to start anew and let go of any emotional baggage. Time to wipe the slate clean and move forward into this new year. Time to grow up a little bit and face my fears. To open my eyes to the supernatural-- stepping out in faith, not relying on my own understanding, and to just seek God more with all my heart and soul. Every fiber of my being. Time to strengthen relationships and let go any that may hinder me especially in my walk with God.

To be braver
To stand taller
To love deeply
To forgive easily
To smile
To laugh
To just BE.

Because come what may, I will face more hardships. I have more imperfections to accept that I have a hard time revealing to others. My heart might break a little more. But through it all, God remains faithful and true. God has proven that in the year 2012. I go through many seasons of highs and lows but God is right there to pick me up when I fall down. He's there in the victories He has won for me. He's there when I have chosen to walk a little further from Him. I have been a terrible friend. A disobedient daughter... but you know what? God still loves me. He chose to die for me. He loved me first. I mean, it's such a wonderful thing to think about and to just be in awe of his goodness and His everlasting love.

I still believe in long term relationships... those "growing old together" relationships. And for awhile my future boyfriend/husband has been in my thoughts and prayers. I am earnestly waiting yet enjoying the life of being single. I'm still in school so a boyfriend can wait. I pray that he will wait for me whoever he is.

Man, I can't believe I'll be leaving California soon:(
and I haven't even started packing yet!

where do I even begin lol

Happy New Year (if any of you still read my blog, you're awesome)
and have a joyous, prosperous one!

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