
Success and Failure

Success is on my mind but I seem to fail and fail again.
My best isn't good enough.
I'm lazy.

Last night, the topic at our Life Fellowship was "Success 101" and some points were a wake up call and most points are ones I can totally agree on. You see, the best part is when you come across it again in your time with God! And that just means He is trying to tell you something.

God allows adversity into our lives not to break us but to better us.

I was reading from James and Colossians this morning.
What I took to heart was that it is wonderful to be put to the test and I must live my faith out loud!
words should not merely be words without action.
Let us be doers of the word, and not only say them.

It's been a pretty tough week and in the next few days, it will be tough as well.
Part of it is because I got sick again.
and for the first time ever this week... I saw a BIG FAT cockroach in my condo.
and no, I did not kill it. I had to call someone to get it for me.

As for school, I'm a little worried about our Variety Show our class is setting up. I don't have a great feeling about it as our class is poor in the planning department. But! I shall not fear! Because no matter what, I must do my best in everything I do... after all, it is for the Big Man upstairs! So even if I fail, I'll make it big. haha even if it's not the best, I want my efforts to count.

oh, and one more thing... in just 5 days. FIVE DAYS. I'll be another year older:)

and finally, to wrap up this post,
I haven't coughed all morning (just woke up an hour ago) and my congestion is gone! (?)
can it be!?
God is bringing me to a healing process!
Thank You LORD!

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