
This Book by Joshua Harris

I've had this book ever since high school, some time after my sophomore year. I've heard good things about this book that I knew I wanted this on my book shelf and after reading through I Kissed Dating Goodbye, which is the first book before Boy Meets Girl. And I gotta say... this book completely changed my perspective on dating and not only that, but defined what courtship is. To give a brief description (and maybe encourage you to purchase your own copy and read it yourself;), courtship is purposeful dating where God is in the center of it all. In courtship, we don't follow the dating patterns of the world that can cloud our mind at times. After reading a few chapters, I've learned (okay, I'm still learning) to embrace friendships with the opposite sex and I knew I wanted to wait until I was older and more mature to enter a relationship, courtship.

I say "I'm still learning" because I decided to pick up the book again last night to peruse through it and refresh myself on the ideas of courtship. And there was a particular passage that struck me... it was spot on!

What are the categories you have for Christian men in your life-- potential boyfriend, potential husband, no potential whatsoever? I encourage you to drop these categories. The first way you should view a Christian guy is as a brother.

Be a sister to the men in your life. Pray for them. Be yourself. Don't put up a front. Be a friend. 

I really, really needed to read that.
That is exactly how it goes in my head when I have guy friends! And sometimes, you can't help but ask if this person will be the potential boyfriend or even husband (and a lot of the times, the answer is no). But before I can even think about that, he must be my friend or brother. Some of us might think, "gross! If I see him as a brother, I don't think I could see him as a potential boyfriend anymore." or something like that. But, you will see that as the friendship grows, something beautiful could begin to blossom.

I highly recommend this book because you will learn so much about courting.. probably some things you never knew! And if you like, pick up I Kissed Dating Goodbye and you too may find yourself kissing dating goodbye:) and saying hello to courtship!

Wouldn't you agree that God is the perfect author of our lives, especially our love stories?

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