
A Psalm to Soothe a Woman's Heart

Their hearts were not really loyal to God...
Still God was merciful...
He remembered that they were only human,
like a wind that blows and does not come back.
Psalm 78:37-39 NCV

Even when you are unfaithful, God never stops loving you. He loves you with an enduring love that is both infinite and unconditional. You cannot do anything to derail His love for you.

Sin harms your fellowship with him because it produces feelings of guilt and shame and causes you to wonder if he still cares for you. Yet understand, although he will not approve of sin, he will never withhold His love from you.

So how do you handle the times when your human nature tempts you to yield to sin? The best course of action is to ask God to teach you more about his love. Because when you understand how great his love for you is, you will never want to drift in your devotion to him.

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