

Where do I even begin?

I'm so glad we had that lovely skype date. It was really really absolutely positively needed. And I propose that we have skype dates at least once a month! It's not the same to not be able to see her and talk to her every week when I pick her up from APU to go to church. Not the same at all. I miss you terribly, Daneva Eve. Thank you so much for being there when I get a little heartbroken. Thank you so much for being such a great listener and just encouraging me and making my day. God has most definitely blessed me with someone like you!

Of course, we'll always be GREAT friends, no matter the distance and I'm glad to know that I can always count on that... thank God for facebook and twitter haha. it's easy to keep in touch that way.

Well, it is now the month of August and you know what that means... or Friendaversary is coming up! LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


oh yeah! our friendaversary xDD yay!! we should do something special, like skype somewhere different from usual, like i'll skype for the coffeeshop (that would be hard, actually, probably the wynn ampitheater) and you from a cafe or something to celebrate! hahaha