Summer classes are finally over and I had just finished my final exams yesterday! But the really exciting part was my momma's arrival from the states later in the evening!! I was pretty excited since that morning before my exams until I finished cleaning my place...
Once I finished my exams at 4pm, the first thing I did to commemorate the end of summer school* was CLEAN. That was all I did that evening... clean (and eat). But now if you see my place at this moment, my efforts in decluttering have been put to waste because it has been (let's just say) recluttered. My mom's things are everywhere! Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but I'm telling you, my kitchen and couch area were pretty presentable and roomy.
Oh well.
I'm just super duper glad my favorite woman is here.
I can finally eat real food.
I was telling a few people, including my mom, that it has now been a year since I have arrived from the states and enrolled to attend school here. My friend was being funny and told me, "Aww, happy anniversary to you and the Philippines!" What a wonderful year it has been. And by "wonderful", I mean emotional, difficult, enjoyable, interesting, eye-opening, etc. I'm on this road to maturity and just growing up! Yes, a lot of growing pains on my part. I knew I really wanted to do this, it was a I have to do this. No matter how many of those were not for it. I was just so determined... and by the end of this year on this month of May, I was already wanting to go home and just quit. and I'm looking back to the beginning of the year, amazed with my determination to be here. How on earth did that happen? And I'm just in awe because of what God has done in my life and just how far He has taken me. I really have my mom to thank for being able to make this happen for me. Of course, she wasn't alone but she was the one who was with me every single step of the way up until she had to go back home. Sigh. Learning to live without my mom was a challenge for me. Yes, I enjoyed the freedom and making my own decisions. And then there was the responsibility... it's a wonderful thing, really. However, there are times it can be so overwhelming.
Throughout this whole year of my stay in the PI, I've learned that friends are hard to find. I would gravitate to someone and I'm close to them for months and then we don't hang out as much anymore. I'm learning to accept the fact that God has placed certain people in my life only to be taken out of it. It's a reminder of how temporary and fleeting life is. So I'm making every moment count and just being thankful for even having that person for a short while as opposed to not meeting them at all.
One year down. And three to go. it's gonna be one big bumpy ride but it will be worth it in the end. I just know it.
*I still have this big qualifying exam on Monday and Tuesday... so technically speaking, summer school isn't over yet because I still have some studying to do!
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