

I am no longer attending APU.

there. I said it. and it pains me to say it. I've told this to couple of people and most of them are who I've seen in person because I can't bear to tell someone over text, or facebook and whatnot. Now that summer is drawing to a close and choir camp has started, I can just come out and say it.

I don't know how people do it. How do you transfer schools? I've met and known a couple of transfer students but it's better to transfer to APU than to transfer out of it :(

What kills me the most is that I won't be part of a collegiate choir anymore. I won't be part of choir period. not only do I miss my high school show choir, but I'm going to miss CHOIR. a lot. a lot a lot a LOT! it's no fun. I'm going to miss all the long, droning rehearsals and the hard work to learn the music. haha. I'm serious, it's one of the things I love in choir.

and that's honestly what I miss the most.

I wonder if there's any way to join ANY choir even when I'm not part of a school or something.

Maybe I can form my own ensemble or something haha i don't know.

I want choir back in my life. please.

1 comment:

bmpoet said...

i feel you... i'm not at APU now either. God will send you something though that will give you just as much if not more fulfillment and joy than choir did (whether through another choir or something unforeseen now.)

What are you doing now?