
Pet peeve

I just really dislike how sometimes I don't like to be the first to approach someone or the first to say hi. or deciding whether I should say 'Hi, how are you?' to someone I'm fairly acquainted with but you're not really good friends with that person. I just get shy and I have this weird (in a bad way) feeling that it wouldn't be a good idea to say something to that person. I really don't know. And then as soon as I pass that person and don't say anything, pretending I didn't see that person, there's a feeling of regret... I think to myself, "darn, I should've said hi or something." I do it all the time! and bugs the heck out of me. I'm calling it a pet peeve for myself because it won't bother me if someone else does it to me... how would I know if someone sees me or not and does and think the same thing? I just did it this morning before I entered the Darling Library and the person was a friend of a friend.

this is ridiculous. I'm probably one of very very few people who think this all the time.

I guess it really depends on my mood and who I'm with. Because if I'm by myself, of course, I'm more reserved and probably shy. Whenever I'm with a loud friend, I become more outgoing and friendly. So I'm not always in this state thank goodness. I am sociable but sometimes I like to keep to myself.

Man, I hope I don't appear to be stuck up or intimidating. I really wouldn't want to give off that vibe. or maybe that person doesn't really care. haha.

Every time it happens and the regret settles in, I try to make it a resolution for myself to start saying hello. yyyyeaaaaah, not working out too well.

oh well, I try and I try. if I see that person come around again, I'll most likely say something.

I do like hellos even if it's just 5 seconds :] it brightens up my day.
so if I don't say anything, please say something.
God bless!

1 comment:

bmpoet said...

i most definitely know how you feel... i do it all the time and it drives me crazy. i wonder sometimes why i can't just get over the silly fear that i'll do something stupid and go up to them actually say hi... still working on it. :)